Saturday, June 28, 2014

Storms & Sprinklers

It's hard to believe that it's the end of June! Summer is here and so is the sunshine! We've had a very warm week here in Jersey. It was in the 90's a few days earlier this week.

A couple weeks ago, we had an early evening rain storm just before dinner. It was warm out so we went out on the front porch. Londyn Grace was in her glory. She loves to watch the rain.

After a few minutes of her ooing and ahing over it, I took her out and let her stand it! It's crazy to think that a girl who hates her hair washed at bathtime loved being soaked by the water in the storm.

I think she would've stood out there for an hour if I let her!

Pure joy!

After her little adventure in the rain, Daniel and I thought she would love the sprinkler. He set it up for her a few Saturday evenings ago while I dressed her in her new bathing suit.

I was so excited to see her reaction to the spraying water.


Apparently sprinklers and storms are two different things! :(

We tried several times to show her how much fun it was, but she was not convinced.

This was so surprising since she rarely cries over anything!

So, we dried off and went back to playing!

She was much happier on her little slide! :)

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