I am 10 weeks and 3 days along with sweet baby number two!
Size of baby: Baby number two is a little over an inch long and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce yet has completed the most critical portion of development!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I need to get on the scale today and find out!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but my button up skirts are getting a little snug and harder to button.
Gender: Daddy is still thinking girl, but we still haven't nailed down our choice for a girl's name. Our boy's name has been chosen!
Movement: still busy growing, no moving yet.
Sleep: Okay, mostly only awake if LG wakes.
What I miss: Nothing! Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing!
Cravings: Still mostly salty and surprisingly enjoying soda which is definitely unlike me since I'm mostly a water drinker!
Feeling nauseous most of the time. Eating seems to help.
Best Moment this week: I had my ten week appointment yesterday and we heard that precious little heartbeat for the first time! My midwife found it quickly and it was loud and strong!
Scheduling my ultrasound for this coming Monday morning! We are so looking forward to a peek at our newest little one!
I loved hearing my babies heartbeats! Always such a smiley time. Congratulations on your new blessing!! And I'm so sorry about your Mamal. Heaven is truly sounding sweeter all the time, isn't it?