Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thirty Four Weeks...

How far along: 34 weeks!

Size of baby: Our baby girl is the size of a butternut squash!

Maternity clothes: Trying to make what I have last for a few more weeks! 

Gender: it’s a girl!!!!! ... Londyn Grace

Movement: Love feeling her little feet kicking me!

Sleep: Back to lying awake thinking about everything from what she'll look like to the things left on my to-do list before she arrives!

What I miss: Nothing, just trying to savor these last few weeks.

Cravings: Still nothing specific!

Symptoms: Just heartburn at night! Feeling extremely blessed and very thankful for a healthy pregnancy thus far.

Best Moment this Week: 

  • Finishing her nursery with the help of my parents and my hubby! It turned out exactly how I wanted it to! It's my new favorite room in the house! I can't wait to have our baby girl here so she can enjoy it, too! I am working on a Nursery Tour post, but Blogger is being frustrating with picture placement! It will be up soon!
  • Meeting a sweet missionary family that Daniel went to Bible College with. Daniel and Deana are missionaries to Liechtenstein which is a small country in Europe. Deana is expecting a little girl in December so we have a lot in common! They also have a adorable little boy named Micah! We so enjoyed our fellowship with them this weekend.

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