Friday, August 30, 2013

Back to Blogging...Friday Five {link up}

I seem to have a thing for blogging on Fridays so I'll link up with Joy again for the Friday Five.

our Lovey Lou
I've missed two weeks due to using a little more data than our current Verizon plan allows! Apparently, I spend a little too much time on Instagram! I love using it to share pictures of LG daily since we live 3.5 hours from our family! Limiting my Internet usage for the last two weeks has been a challenge! Anyways, on to my five things on this last Friday of Summer! {Seriously, where did it go?!}

1.) Into EVERYTHING... That would be what my Londyn Gracie Girl is up to these days. Keeping up with her is a full-time job! We are working so hard to teach boundaries and limits, but it is clear that
sooo pretty
she is going to be the kind of child that presses the limits we set. She has an energy and determination that is unlike anything I think I've ever seen! I am going to need lots of prayer and lots of chocolate to train this little lady in the way she should go!

2.) PAINTING and PARTY PREP...We are knee-deep in preparations for the big birthday celebration! I am trying to cross a few things off my list each day and having so much fun doing it! I lay awake at night with a million ideas swirling in my mind! I'm anxious to see them all come to fruition!

We've decided on the menu, and I've started the painting projects that need to be done! I scored this vintage highchair at a garage sale last spring, before I even knew if LG was a girl or a boy! I bought with the intention of using it for the baby's first birthday! It got it's first coat of pink paint last night! I'm going to add a white monogram to the tray tomorrow after the second coat dries.

excuse the poor quality of this iPhone picture!

The invitations are out, and we have even received a few responses! I ended up ordering a digital design on Etsy and then printed it at Costco! I only have just over $20 in them and couldn't be happier with how they turned out! I highly recommend Bunglehouse Designs! She is amazing to work with!

I LOVE how these turned out!

3.) STINK FACE... We're not sure where it came from, but this is LG's new face of choice! We call it her stink face. She doesn't necessarily do it when she's upset more when she's trying to figure something out, but regardless we find it pretty funny!

such a stinker!

4.)  FALL is ALMOST HERE... I can't believe we are one weekend away from the unofficial start of fall. I am looking forward to boots and leggings, and pumpkins and colorful leaves! A new pair of boots were calling my name at Marshall's last night. I think I'll put them on my birthday list! It's crazy to
think that last year, we had a teeny tiny newborn that was nursing twenty four/seven! Due to that, we didn't do many fall related activities, so I am excited about Lovey Lou experiencing my favorite season for the first time. I can't wait to take her to the pumpkin patch! We already have the perfect smocked dress for this outing!

how precious are smocked pumpkins?!

5.) GO BLUE... Unlike most of the southern bloggers, I am a girl who did not grow up watching football. I know, I know, but, my Daddy just wasn't into it. My husband on the other hand is a HUGE fan of college ball and growing up in Michigan means he bleeds maize and blue. He has been waiting all summer for tomorrow's big game!

helping Daddy blow out his candles at his 30th birthday last month

What are your Friday five? Head on over to Joy's blog and link up!

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