10/11 ~ 10/17
Londyn Grace's Second Week!
On Thursday, we headed to the hospital to have Londyn's heel prick done. This is something routine that would have been done in the hospital at her birth, but since we had a home birth we took her in for it. This was particularly hard for Mommy! She was sleeping so well in her car seat and stayed asleep when I transferred her from the seat to the table. Her nurse was super sweet, but our baby girl woke up screaming when she pricked her tiny heel! My Mama had to comfort me as I was comforting Londyn Grace!
Friday Miss Lindsey came to try and get a few newborn pictures. The photographer in me thought that the morning would be best for lighting purposes but because of Londyn's nursing schedule she was not in the mood for pictures. Lindsey is so sweet and super talented, but Londyn just wanted to eat on this particular day!
Saturday brought visitors from Maryland! Londyn's great Aunt El and Uncle Joe made the three hour trip to meet her! We were so happy to see them and as an added bonus my aunt was able to do a mini newborn shoot since our precious girl was sleeping for a portion of their visit! She took the picture I posted of Londyn on the scale and also the picture I used for Londyn's birth announcements.
Unfortunately, Saturday also meant saying goodbye to MiMi and Pop Pop (my parents). This was very difficult, but we knew they were coming back for Mommy's birthday so that made it a bit easier. Londyn Grace and I were blessed to have my Mama stay with us for ten days! She was a huge help especially since Daddy had to go back to work at the church and Mommy was still slow moving due to her stitches.
Sunday was a BIG day for Little Miss Londyn Grace! She went to church for the first time! Mommy managed to get herself dressed, Londyn fed, and Londyn ready just in time for Daddy to pick us up for the morning service! After falling asleep on the way, Londyn slept through the whole service and missed everyone saying how tiny and pretty she is!
Monday is Daniel's day off so we were happy to have him home with us! Then Grandpap, Grammy and Uncle Ben arrived in the evening. This was Uncle Ben's first time meeting his niece!
Since Daniel had to return to work on Tuesday, Grammy and Uncle Ben stayed for the week. We were so thankful for their help!
On Wednesday, we loaded up for the short trip across the street to our midwife's office for a weight check. Much to Mommy's surprise and despite our marathon nursing sessions, Londyn was still 5 pounds 15.5 ounces (what she was at her appointment with the pediatrician a week prior). After some discussion with the midwife, we decided that Londyn needed an extra 3 ounces of milk a day in order to gain. So Mommy nurses her and then pumps so she can have the extra she needs to grow!

This concludes our precious girl's second week! It's so cliche but I'm already questioning where the time is going! We love her SO much and can't imagine our lives without our little munchkin (as Daddy calls her! :))!
Since she will be three weeks tomorrow, I hope to have that post up shortly!
On Thursday, we headed to the hospital to have Londyn's heel prick done. This is something routine that would have been done in the hospital at her birth, but since we had a home birth we took her in for it. This was particularly hard for Mommy! She was sleeping so well in her car seat and stayed asleep when I transferred her from the seat to the table. Her nurse was super sweet, but our baby girl woke up screaming when she pricked her tiny heel! My Mama had to comfort me as I was comforting Londyn Grace!
Friday Miss Lindsey came to try and get a few newborn pictures. The photographer in me thought that the morning would be best for lighting purposes but because of Londyn's nursing schedule she was not in the mood for pictures. Lindsey is so sweet and super talented, but Londyn just wanted to eat on this particular day!
Saturday brought visitors from Maryland! Londyn's great Aunt El and Uncle Joe made the three hour trip to meet her! We were so happy to see them and as an added bonus my aunt was able to do a mini newborn shoot since our precious girl was sleeping for a portion of their visit! She took the picture I posted of Londyn on the scale and also the picture I used for Londyn's birth announcements.
Unfortunately, Saturday also meant saying goodbye to MiMi and Pop Pop (my parents). This was very difficult, but we knew they were coming back for Mommy's birthday so that made it a bit easier. Londyn Grace and I were blessed to have my Mama stay with us for ten days! She was a huge help especially since Daddy had to go back to work at the church and Mommy was still slow moving due to her stitches.
Sunday was a BIG day for Little Miss Londyn Grace! She went to church for the first time! Mommy managed to get herself dressed, Londyn fed, and Londyn ready just in time for Daddy to pick us up for the morning service! After falling asleep on the way, Londyn slept through the whole service and missed everyone saying how tiny and pretty she is!
Monday is Daniel's day off so we were happy to have him home with us! Then Grandpap, Grammy and Uncle Ben arrived in the evening. This was Uncle Ben's first time meeting his niece!
Since Daniel had to return to work on Tuesday, Grammy and Uncle Ben stayed for the week. We were so thankful for their help!
On Wednesday, we loaded up for the short trip across the street to our midwife's office for a weight check. Much to Mommy's surprise and despite our marathon nursing sessions, Londyn was still 5 pounds 15.5 ounces (what she was at her appointment with the pediatrician a week prior). After some discussion with the midwife, we decided that Londyn needed an extra 3 ounces of milk a day in order to gain. So Mommy nurses her and then pumps so she can have the extra she needs to grow!
This concludes our precious girl's second week! It's so cliche but I'm already questioning where the time is going! We love her SO much and can't imagine our lives without our little munchkin (as Daddy calls her! :))!
Since she will be three weeks tomorrow, I hope to have that post up shortly!
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