Monday, October 15, 2012

One Week

10/3 ~ 10/10

Londyn's first week was truly the best week of our lives! I still can't believe we get to keep her!

 We spent most of the week at home, adjusting to nursing and attempting to figure out a schedule! She continued with her pattern of wanting to do everything early, when her umbilical cord stump fell off after two days! I was worried that it was way too early, but it is healing well. We found that newborn diapers are very large on her, so Daddy headed to Target for preemie ones! They fit pretty well. We also had trouble finding clothes and especially socks that fit our little peanut! 

We did venture out to her first appointment with the pediatrician on Wednesday. As far as her stats go, she did lose weight initially, but she is on her way back up! 

Grammy and Grandpap (Daniel's parents) stayed through Friday and Uncle Johnny (my sister's husband) came to meet her Friday night. Auntie M (my sister) spoiled her until she and Uncle Johnny had to leave late Saturday afternoon. Mimi (my Mama) stayed through the week to help me since I couldn't go up and down the stairs due to my stitches and Pop Pop (my Daddy) came back Wednesday night. We are so blessed that our families were able to be here since we live three and half hours and lots of tolls away! She also had several visitors from church who were sweet enough to provide dinner for us each night. 

We are excited about the next few days because our families are coming back to visit again and I turn the big two five on Thursday!


  1. Can hardly wait to hold her again on Thursday! 2 weeks old then! Time is already flying! Her birth feels like forever ago to me! I love you little girl! Auntie is coming ASAP!

  2. yay!!!! :) happy birthday!

  3. God is so good so happy for your precious family....enjoy every little minute!! Aunt Kim
