Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thirty One Weeks...

How far along: 31 weeks

Size of baby: Our sweet girl is the size of a squash. 

Maternity clothes: When we were picking up a few things from Babies R Us last night, my sweet hubby took me over to their Motherhood Maternity section and let me pick out the dress I’m wearing in today’s picture!

Gender: it’s a girl!!!!! ... Londyn Grace

Movement: She has been moving constantly! I’m loving it!

Sleep: Still sleeping well!

What I miss: Family back in Maryland.

Cravings: Still not as hungry as I’ve been in weeks past, maybe, because she’s taking up more room in there? 

Symptoms: Heartburn and more heartburn!

Best Moment(s) this Week: 

  • Spending the last four days in Maryland! It was so good to be with family since I won’t be able to travel that far soon with Londyn’s due date nearing.
  • Shopping for Londyn’s nursery with my Mama, Mom Mom, Aunt and Sister! I have pretty much everything I need with the exception of an area rug and a few odds and ends for storage.
  • Seeing Londyn’s bedding completed! My Mom Mom and my Mama worked SO hard on it, especially putting the ruffles on the skirt! It is exactly what I pictured! To say I love it is definitely an understatement! I will post pictured soon!
  • Spending the day yesterday with my parents and hubby! We had dinner together last night before Daniel and I headed back to Jersey.

The week ahead:

We have our 32 week appointment tomorrow morning and then start our birthing class tomorrow afternoon! I am excited and nervous! I want to retain  what is taught so I’m as prepared for labor as I can be! 

I want to work in the nursery tomorrow evening. Hopefully, we can assemble the crib so I can put her bedding on! 

I have a few projects to do for her room. I bought vintage Beatrix Potter book pages on etsy and need to frame them. I have a lamp shade I want to cover and need to finish the letters in her name to hang behind the crib!

We are just over 50 days until her due date so I need to get busy! My goal is to have the nursery finished within the next few weeks!

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