from our family to yours!
Pleased as man with men to dwell! Jesus our Immanuel!
It’s mind-boggling if you ponder it for very long. He gave up His Throne for us! It pleased Him to be veiled in flesh, to be wrapped in swaddling clothes, to be laid in a wooden feeding trough.
"But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:” Philippians 2:7
No reputation though He was Royalty. A servant though He deserved to be served. A man though He created the very men he would live among.
He submitted himself to a humble birth for the sake of a sinful world.
His birth is enough to leave us amazed at the humility of our Savior, but then we look ahead to a hill outside Jerusalem where He continues to place our needs above His own.
“And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:8
It’s there we see Him stretched upon a wooden cross, wearing a thorny crown upon His head. As a crowd of onlookers are gawking at his broken and bleeding body, He continues to serve them and the millions of sinners who will live in generations to come. The Eternal One hung there in our place though it meant a slow and painful death.
As we see His sacrifice, we are amazed by a Savior not only willing to submit to a humble birth but also to a horrific death.
Our Savior gave much so that we wouldn’t have to live under Sin’s Curse forever.
“And they said, There is no hope: but we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart.” Jeremiah 18:12
”That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:” Ephesians 2:12
His humble birth and horrific death brought hope to a people once hopelessly trapped in the chains of their own sinfulness.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die!
Born to raise the sons of earth!
Born to give them second birth!
We have hope because He laid aside all He is to become all we were.
"To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” Colossians 1:27
We have hope that assures of His Presence in our lives in a personal and daily way.
“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13
We have hope that assures us that the One once laid in a manger then nailed upon a cross will one day return to rapture those He made such sacrifices for.
"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;” Titus 1:2
“That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:7
We have hope that Heaven will be our Eternal Home though we have done nothing to merit entrance.
May the Hope He gives be yours this Christmas and in the year to come!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Two Months
At two months, our sweet Londyn Girl weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces! She is still a peanut but gaining every day!
Londyn girl started smiling this month! She has a way of making us smile every time she does it!
Her favorite toy this month is a stuffed turtle squeaky toy with a mirror on his belly!
Londyn still isn't napping well unless we are in the car. Her carseat works like a charm!
She spent most of month two nursing. She is still eating every two hours and taking nearly an hour to eat. Nursing has been the most challenging part of motherhood for me, but with the encouragement of Daniel, my mama, a cousin who is currently nursing as well and a sweet friend at church I've managed to keep going! I cherish our nursing sessions but have dealt with a lot of worry and anxiety over whether or not she's getting enough milk. I don't get much when pumping, but our wonderful pediatrician assured me that if her diaper count is good and she's gaining weight than I have plenty of milk for her.
Speaking of our pediatrician, Londyn Grace went to Dr. Schlacter at six weeks old. We initially used a different pediatrician for her one week appointment, but were not impressed. We scheduled her one month visit with him and then it was delayed due to Hurricane Sandy. Once the electricity was restored and everything was back up and running, we were able to go in for a check up! He is an old school doctor and his encouraging laid back personality was exactly what this stressed Mama needed! We are grateful for his thorough examination and for his prognosis of a healthy, growing girl!
During month two, we took Londyn Grace to celebrate her first Thanksgiving in Maryland and Pennsylvania with our precious families! We were definitely thanking the Lord for our baby girl and looking forward to all she would experience and accomplish in December!
Londyn girl started smiling this month! She has a way of making us smile every time she does it!
Her favorite toy this month is a stuffed turtle squeaky toy with a mirror on his belly!
Londyn still isn't napping well unless we are in the car. Her carseat works like a charm!
She spent most of month two nursing. She is still eating every two hours and taking nearly an hour to eat. Nursing has been the most challenging part of motherhood for me, but with the encouragement of Daniel, my mama, a cousin who is currently nursing as well and a sweet friend at church I've managed to keep going! I cherish our nursing sessions but have dealt with a lot of worry and anxiety over whether or not she's getting enough milk. I don't get much when pumping, but our wonderful pediatrician assured me that if her diaper count is good and she's gaining weight than I have plenty of milk for her.
During month two, we took Londyn Grace to celebrate her first Thanksgiving in Maryland and Pennsylvania with our precious families! We were definitely thanking the Lord for our baby girl and looking forward to all she would experience and accomplish in December!
Monday, December 10, 2012
It's a silly thing to be thankful for, but it has sure come in handy! Since it's a whole lot easier to hold my phone than my Canon these days, I love using the fun filters and effects on my many cell phone pictures of my baby girl!
Here are a few pictures of our Sweet Pea...
Here are a few pictures of our Sweet Pea...
Birth Announcement...
Better late than never, right? A certain little girl has kept me a little busy lately so I am way behind on posting! Since we took her two month pictures today, I thought I should post this first!
I use Shutterfly for most of my photo and card printing and have always been pleased with their product! I was so happy with how her birth announcements turned out!
We also added James 1:17 to the reverse side in the same pink font as her name!
Monday, November 12, 2012
One Month
Londyn Grace turned
old on November third!
Londyn weighed in around 6 pounds 12 ounces (she is now 7 pounds 1 ounce) on her one month birthday! She is getting longer up from 18 3/4 inches at birth to 20 inches. She has outgrown her preemie clothes. She is still a tiny girl wearing newborn diapers and swimming in most newborn outfits, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in personality!
She is not afraid to let you know what she does and doesn't like!
So far she is not a fan of baths or getting her clothes or diaper changed, but Mama thinks it's just because it means not being held.
Being held is definitely on her list of likes and Mama is happy to do so even though it means a messy house!
In her first month, Londyn Girl has been out and about. She has been to church, the doctor, the mall, the grocery store and even to Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia to visit family.
We mostly venture out when Daddy is with us. During the day we stay home because she is still nursing every two hours.
Several people have commented on how alert she is for her age!
Londyn Grace is so precious to us! We often wonder how we lived without her! The past month has been the most challenging, exhausting, rewarding, amazing month of our lives! We praise the Lord for being so good and for blessing us with our beautiful girl!
We included this verse on Londyn's birth announcement (which I will share soon), because it sums up her first month so well!
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17
Saturday, November 10, 2012
She's asleep...
but not in her bassinet. She doesn't like her swing or her crib. She likes to fall asleep on Mama's shoulder and scoot her way down to my chest before she will rest comfortably. My hair is thrown into a messy bun. As for a shower, I'm pretty sure my last one was on Tuesday. Laundry baskets are full. There are dinner dishes in the sink, but I hold her and rock her anyway. I feel the softness of her skin and smell the sweetness of her breath. I admire her tiny fingers and precious little nose.
A month has passed since the midwife put this little girl on my chest for the first time and many a night since then she has slept peacefully there.
Yes, my house is messy, my arms are sore, and I don't think I've ever known this level of exhaustion, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. For as quickly as this first month has passed, I know that the next eighteen years will do the same. Before I know it, I'll be lying in bed wishing for just one more night with my baby sleeping in my arms.
So with greasy hair and a grateful heart, I praise Him for this gift and kiss my Londyn girl again.
A month has passed since the midwife put this little girl on my chest for the first time and many a night since then she has slept peacefully there.
Yes, my house is messy, my arms are sore, and I don't think I've ever known this level of exhaustion, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. For as quickly as this first month has passed, I know that the next eighteen years will do the same. Before I know it, I'll be lying in bed wishing for just one more night with my baby sleeping in my arms.
So with greasy hair and a grateful heart, I praise Him for this gift and kiss my Londyn girl again.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
My Favorite Girl
I know I am behind on Londyn's posts. Between Hurricane Sandy leaving us without power for nearly a week and a little girl that I believe is having a growth spurt (wanting to nurse A LOT!), I haven't been able to type her four week post or take her one month pictures. I am hoping I can do both today, but until then here is one of my new favorite pictures of my favorite girl!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Three Weeks
This month is flying by!
On Thursday, we celebrated my birthday! My sweet parents and sister came from Maryland and after spending the day at home, we decided to head out to dinner at Cracker Barrel. I was nervous about how Londyn Grace would do but she slept the whole time! She woke up just as we got home and was definitely ready to eat! After she was fed, we had cake and ice cream. I received so many cards and sweet gifts but having our sweet girl here was the best present ever!
Friday was low key and we enjoyed time with Pop Pop, Mimi and Auntie M before they had to head back in the afternoon. We also spent the day waiting for the midwife to come weigh Londyn again. I was very anxious to know if she had gained. Thankfully, she had. She was 6 pounds 3 ounces! Up from 5 pounds 15.5 ounces on Wednesday! Friday night, Grandpap came back to visit and to pick up Grammy and Uncle Ben who had been with us through the week.
We enjoyed their company until they headed home Saturday afternoon. Then Londyn Grace watched the Michigan game with Daddy!
Sunday we went to church. Londyn did great even though it was a long day! We had a special dinner after the service, and then had an afternoon service since it was Pastor Appreciation Sunday.
Sunday night we packed for Londyn's first trip back home to meet her great grandparents and other family! When we arrived, Uncle Matt and Aunt Rebekah (Daniel's brother and sister in law) were excited to hold her for the first time!
Monday was a wonderful day! We took her to meet her Great Granny, Mom Mom and Mamal (my grandmothers and great grandmother). Then she met her Oma and Opa (Daniel's grandparents)! We had dinner at Uncle Johnny and Aunt Megan's house! After dinner, Daniel had to head back to Jersey, but Londyn Grace and I stayed an extra day.
Monday night she went to her first revival and heard Mimi, Auntie M and Uncle Johnny sing! (And Uncle Joe play! :) )
Tuesday, Londyn had more adoring fans to meet! She also got to visit the school where Mommy used to teach and meet some of Mommy's friends there!
Tuesday night it was time to head back to New Jersey. Londyn Grace was such a good girl on the three and half hour trip. We stopped halfway so she could eat!
Wednesday morning it was time for another weight check. We were so excited when the scale at the mid wife's office read 6 pounds 5 ounces!
She made it back to birthweight!
We are so in love with our girl and can't imagine life without her! We didn't get a chair/chalkboard picture this week because a certain little girl wanted to eat constantly (hence the weight gain so we are not complaining! :) ) so this one with her super big but super cute bow will have to do! She'll be four weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe it!
This month is flying by!
On Thursday, we celebrated my birthday! My sweet parents and sister came from Maryland and after spending the day at home, we decided to head out to dinner at Cracker Barrel. I was nervous about how Londyn Grace would do but she slept the whole time! She woke up just as we got home and was definitely ready to eat! After she was fed, we had cake and ice cream. I received so many cards and sweet gifts but having our sweet girl here was the best present ever!
Friday was low key and we enjoyed time with Pop Pop, Mimi and Auntie M before they had to head back in the afternoon. We also spent the day waiting for the midwife to come weigh Londyn again. I was very anxious to know if she had gained. Thankfully, she had. She was 6 pounds 3 ounces! Up from 5 pounds 15.5 ounces on Wednesday! Friday night, Grandpap came back to visit and to pick up Grammy and Uncle Ben who had been with us through the week.
We enjoyed their company until they headed home Saturday afternoon. Then Londyn Grace watched the Michigan game with Daddy!
Sunday we went to church. Londyn did great even though it was a long day! We had a special dinner after the service, and then had an afternoon service since it was Pastor Appreciation Sunday.
Sunday night we packed for Londyn's first trip back home to meet her great grandparents and other family! When we arrived, Uncle Matt and Aunt Rebekah (Daniel's brother and sister in law) were excited to hold her for the first time!
Monday was a wonderful day! We took her to meet her Great Granny, Mom Mom and Mamal (my grandmothers and great grandmother). Then she met her Oma and Opa (Daniel's grandparents)! We had dinner at Uncle Johnny and Aunt Megan's house! After dinner, Daniel had to head back to Jersey, but Londyn Grace and I stayed an extra day.
Monday night she went to her first revival and heard Mimi, Auntie M and Uncle Johnny sing! (And Uncle Joe play! :) )
Tuesday, Londyn had more adoring fans to meet! She also got to visit the school where Mommy used to teach and meet some of Mommy's friends there!
Tuesday night it was time to head back to New Jersey. Londyn Grace was such a good girl on the three and half hour trip. We stopped halfway so she could eat!
Wednesday morning it was time for another weight check. We were so excited when the scale at the mid wife's office read 6 pounds 5 ounces!
She made it back to birthweight!
We are so in love with our girl and can't imagine life without her! We didn't get a chair/chalkboard picture this week because a certain little girl wanted to eat constantly (hence the weight gain so we are not complaining! :) ) so this one with her super big but super cute bow will have to do! She'll be four weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe it!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Two Weeks
10/11 ~ 10/17
Londyn Grace's Second Week!
On Thursday, we headed to the hospital to have Londyn's heel prick done. This is something routine that would have been done in the hospital at her birth, but since we had a home birth we took her in for it. This was particularly hard for Mommy! She was sleeping so well in her car seat and stayed asleep when I transferred her from the seat to the table. Her nurse was super sweet, but our baby girl woke up screaming when she pricked her tiny heel! My Mama had to comfort me as I was comforting Londyn Grace!
Friday Miss Lindsey came to try and get a few newborn pictures. The photographer in me thought that the morning would be best for lighting purposes but because of Londyn's nursing schedule she was not in the mood for pictures. Lindsey is so sweet and super talented, but Londyn just wanted to eat on this particular day!
Saturday brought visitors from Maryland! Londyn's great Aunt El and Uncle Joe made the three hour trip to meet her! We were so happy to see them and as an added bonus my aunt was able to do a mini newborn shoot since our precious girl was sleeping for a portion of their visit! She took the picture I posted of Londyn on the scale and also the picture I used for Londyn's birth announcements.
Unfortunately, Saturday also meant saying goodbye to MiMi and Pop Pop (my parents). This was very difficult, but we knew they were coming back for Mommy's birthday so that made it a bit easier. Londyn Grace and I were blessed to have my Mama stay with us for ten days! She was a huge help especially since Daddy had to go back to work at the church and Mommy was still slow moving due to her stitches.
Sunday was a BIG day for Little Miss Londyn Grace! She went to church for the first time! Mommy managed to get herself dressed, Londyn fed, and Londyn ready just in time for Daddy to pick us up for the morning service! After falling asleep on the way, Londyn slept through the whole service and missed everyone saying how tiny and pretty she is!
Monday is Daniel's day off so we were happy to have him home with us! Then Grandpap, Grammy and Uncle Ben arrived in the evening. This was Uncle Ben's first time meeting his niece!
Since Daniel had to return to work on Tuesday, Grammy and Uncle Ben stayed for the week. We were so thankful for their help!
On Wednesday, we loaded up for the short trip across the street to our midwife's office for a weight check. Much to Mommy's surprise and despite our marathon nursing sessions, Londyn was still 5 pounds 15.5 ounces (what she was at her appointment with the pediatrician a week prior). After some discussion with the midwife, we decided that Londyn needed an extra 3 ounces of milk a day in order to gain. So Mommy nurses her and then pumps so she can have the extra she needs to grow!

This concludes our precious girl's second week! It's so cliche but I'm already questioning where the time is going! We love her SO much and can't imagine our lives without our little munchkin (as Daddy calls her! :))!
Since she will be three weeks tomorrow, I hope to have that post up shortly!
On Thursday, we headed to the hospital to have Londyn's heel prick done. This is something routine that would have been done in the hospital at her birth, but since we had a home birth we took her in for it. This was particularly hard for Mommy! She was sleeping so well in her car seat and stayed asleep when I transferred her from the seat to the table. Her nurse was super sweet, but our baby girl woke up screaming when she pricked her tiny heel! My Mama had to comfort me as I was comforting Londyn Grace!
Friday Miss Lindsey came to try and get a few newborn pictures. The photographer in me thought that the morning would be best for lighting purposes but because of Londyn's nursing schedule she was not in the mood for pictures. Lindsey is so sweet and super talented, but Londyn just wanted to eat on this particular day!
Saturday brought visitors from Maryland! Londyn's great Aunt El and Uncle Joe made the three hour trip to meet her! We were so happy to see them and as an added bonus my aunt was able to do a mini newborn shoot since our precious girl was sleeping for a portion of their visit! She took the picture I posted of Londyn on the scale and also the picture I used for Londyn's birth announcements.
Unfortunately, Saturday also meant saying goodbye to MiMi and Pop Pop (my parents). This was very difficult, but we knew they were coming back for Mommy's birthday so that made it a bit easier. Londyn Grace and I were blessed to have my Mama stay with us for ten days! She was a huge help especially since Daddy had to go back to work at the church and Mommy was still slow moving due to her stitches.
Sunday was a BIG day for Little Miss Londyn Grace! She went to church for the first time! Mommy managed to get herself dressed, Londyn fed, and Londyn ready just in time for Daddy to pick us up for the morning service! After falling asleep on the way, Londyn slept through the whole service and missed everyone saying how tiny and pretty she is!
Monday is Daniel's day off so we were happy to have him home with us! Then Grandpap, Grammy and Uncle Ben arrived in the evening. This was Uncle Ben's first time meeting his niece!
Since Daniel had to return to work on Tuesday, Grammy and Uncle Ben stayed for the week. We were so thankful for their help!
On Wednesday, we loaded up for the short trip across the street to our midwife's office for a weight check. Much to Mommy's surprise and despite our marathon nursing sessions, Londyn was still 5 pounds 15.5 ounces (what she was at her appointment with the pediatrician a week prior). After some discussion with the midwife, we decided that Londyn needed an extra 3 ounces of milk a day in order to gain. So Mommy nurses her and then pumps so she can have the extra she needs to grow!
This concludes our precious girl's second week! It's so cliche but I'm already questioning where the time is going! We love her SO much and can't imagine our lives without our little munchkin (as Daddy calls her! :))!
Since she will be three weeks tomorrow, I hope to have that post up shortly!
Friday, October 19, 2012
"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance..!"
Proverbs 15:13
Happy Friday, sweet friends!
Londyn's two week post coming soon!
Monday, October 15, 2012
One Week
10/3 ~ 10/10
Londyn's first week was truly the best week of our lives! I still can't believe we get to keep her!
We spent most of the week at home, adjusting to nursing and attempting to figure out a schedule! She continued with her pattern of wanting to do everything early, when her umbilical cord stump fell off after two days! I was worried that it was way too early, but it is healing well. We found that newborn diapers are very large on her, so Daddy headed to Target for preemie ones! They fit pretty well. We also had trouble finding clothes and especially socks that fit our little peanut!
We did venture out to her first appointment with the pediatrician on Wednesday. As far as her stats go, she did lose weight initially, but she is on her way back up!
Grammy and Grandpap (Daniel's parents) stayed through Friday and Uncle Johnny (my sister's husband) came to meet her Friday night. Auntie M (my sister) spoiled her until she and Uncle Johnny had to leave late Saturday afternoon. Mimi (my Mama) stayed through the week to help me since I couldn't go up and down the stairs due to my stitches and Pop Pop (my Daddy) came back Wednesday night. We are so blessed that our families were able to be here since we live three and half hours and lots of tolls away! She also had several visitors from church who were sweet enough to provide dinner for us each night.
We are excited about the next few days because our families are coming back to visit again and I turn the big two five on Thursday!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
6 lbs 5 oz of
pure joy!
Little Miss Londyn girl got her newborn pictures taken yesterday! I was anxious to get her birth announcement designed and ordered! So I finished it last night and hopefully they should arrive later this week. After I get them mailed, I will post a picture of it! Until then here is one of my favorites!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Sunshine (Londyn's Birth Story)
I listened to the pounding on the metal roof of my car.
Everything outside was drenched with the early morning rain.
And as it fell I was soaking my swollen abdomen with tears.
Tears of anxiousness. Tears of joy. Tears in fear of what the next few weeks would bring.
Would my little girl arrive safely? Would I be strong enough to labor at home, naturally, like I planned? Would my family arrive in time to witness the miracle of birth? Would I be a good Mama to this precious gift?
When the thumping of the droplets seemed to lessen, I ran, well, waddled, for the back door of our large green two story.
I dried my face and tried to tuck the fears and anxiousness away, after all, she wasn’t due for almost two weeks. I prepared the ingredients and placed dinner in the crockpot.
Before continuing with other housework, I sat down on the couch to quickly check my email.
Then it came. First a trickle.
Standing up, it flooded the hardwood beneath me.
10:40 am.
My water had broken.
My baby girl was ready.
All the questions I had just been wrestling with were about to be answered.
I shook with excited and fumbled for my cell phone.
“Babe…I think my water broke.”
“I’ll be right there.” Thankfully our church is only two blocks away.
I called my Mama and quickly typed a text message to my sister and close friends.
He came in the back door. His wet shoes squeaking across the kitchen floor, he found me standing in the same position I had called him from a few minutes earlier.
We looked at each other, knowing our lives were about to change forever.
The midwife came. 2 centimeters and she could feel sweet Londyn’s head.
I showered through increasing contractions, and Daniel prepared our room.
The midwife returned.
It was somewhere between 2:30 and 3 pm.
4 centimeters. Active labor was in progress. This baby was in a hurry.
I didn’t want him to leave my side. He reminded me to breathe like we had practiced in our classes. He massaged my back as the pain intensified.
Moving from the bathroom to our bed and back again. I fought for the strength to do this. The pressure of our daughter’s head was painful and the pain brought my breakfast back up again.
“I don’t think I can do this,” I groaned while Daniel changed the sheets he had just put on the bed not even an hour before.
“Yes, you can. You’re doing great, Love,” he encouraged.
I questioned how far away my parents and sister were.
They were stuck in traffic, but only twenty minutes away.
I stretched across the bed resting on the comfort on my own pillow between contractions.
My Mama and sister entered our room and I felt a wave of relief. They made it.
I asked to see my Daddy. He peeked his head into the room, “Hey, pumpkin.”
Our conversation was cut short by another contraction. The pressure and my desire to push was incredible.
Daniel kept telling me not to push yet. The midwife echoed his words.
My Mama rubbed my back. She offered her hand, but I didn’t take it. I wanted my hands free.
The midwife checked again. 8 centimeters. After only 3 hours of active labor.
He helped me off the bed and supported my weight as my legs felt weak and heavy. Back in the bathroom, I continued.
“You can push, now.” I received the permission my body was aching for.
I pushed twice before my midwife ushered me quickly back to bed.
On my hands and knees, she admonished me to push through the next wave of contractions.
I hesitated.
“Push your baby out.” she requested again.
I moved to my side. The burning was unlike anything I had ever felt. Moaning, I bore down and heeded her request.
Before I knew it, my midwife lifted our baby to my chest.
6:22 pm.
I remember saying, “Hi Baby. Hi Beautiful. Hi Sweetheart.” over and over again.
She was perfect.
She was sunshine though the skies were gray outside our bedroom window.
Arriving nine days before we expected her and making her entrance in just under four hours of labor.
Londyn Grace. Our Sunshine.
Lord, we are so grateful for the precious gift of our girl.
Thank You doesn't do it justice. We pray that You'll
enable us to raise her to love and live for You!
You are...
my favorite reason to lose sleep!
Yes, you, Londyn Grace! I've never been so happy to be up at night!
I love your precious little yawns and sweet sounds during our nightly feedings!
I praise the Lord for the gift of you and for the past four days that we've spent together!
Friday, October 5, 2012
In Awe...
We are in awe of our precious girl! Her first two days have been two of the best days of our lives. Though born on a rainy October evening, she has been pure sunshine! She is already spoiled well loved!
Here she is wearing her first headband after her bath this morning! |
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Our Precious Gift from God...
Londyn Grace
October 3, 2012
6 lbs 5 oz
18 3/4 inches long
6:22 pm
Our sweet girl arrived last night! The Lord blessed us with the smooth and safe homebirth that we planned, and our sweet parents and my sister got here just in time! My active labor was only about 4 hours! She's a tiny little thing, but has nursed well so far! She has her Daddy's dark hair!
Thank you so much for your prayers! He has indeed given us the desire of our hearts! I will post more pictures soon!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
10:40 am
My water broke this morning at 10:40 am! We are so excited to meet our sweet girl! Please pray for a safe and smooth delivery! We will post pictures as soon as she arrives! :)
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17
Monday, October 1, 2012
Thirty Seven Weeks...
How far along: 37 weeks
I'll be 38 weeks on Wednesday so she could arrive at any time now! I am so anxious and excited! Can't wait to meet our Londyn girl! :)
Size of baby: Our baby girl is the size of a pumpkin!
Maternity clothes: Making most of my non maternity sweaters work by leaving them unbuttoned over tanks!
Gender: it’s a girl!!!!! ... Londyn Grace
Movement: She’s still at her busiest once we’ve settled in for the night! I think we have a night owl on our hands!
Sleep: Still waking up frequently to use the bathroom, change positions, and think about our girl but sleeping pretty well otherwise! I think the Lord is just preparing me for nursing during the night.
What I miss: Just savoring these last few days and weeks. I can’t believe she’s almost here!
Cravings: Still really thirsty and loving a big glass of water!
Symptoms: Maybe a few more contractions, but other than that no other symptoms. I feel so blessed to be feeling this good at this stage in my pregnancy!
Best Moment this Week:
- Hearing her heartbeat again and making it to 37 weeks! FULL TERM! We are so grateful that our sweet girl is healthy and growing! The Lord has blessed us abundantly!
- My sister’s surprise visit! She came Saturday night and stayed until lunchtime today! It was so good to spend some time with her!
- Our pastor’s wife hosted a surprise shower at church for me yesterday! Our church family was so gracious! Londyn received so many wonderful gifts!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Thirty Six Weeks...
How far along: 36 weeks!
Size of baby: Londyn Grace is a growing girl! Probably somewhere around 6 pounds now!
Maternity clothes: I am loving my boots and other fall clothes, but not much of what I had last year fits! I don't really want to buy much since she'll be here within the next few weeks, so I'm going to try to make what I have work.
Gender: it’s a girl!!!!! ... Londyn Grace
Movement: The other night we were sitting on the couch and Daniel had his arm stretched across my belly when Londyn kicked him! It was too cute!
Sleep: Waking up frequently to use the bathroom and change positions, but sleeping pretty well otherwise!
What I miss: Being able to put socks or leggings on easily! :) It’s pretty difficult to reach my feet these days!
Cravings: Mostly just thirsty! Seems like I’ve been drinking water constantly.
Symptoms: I think I’ve had a few Braxton Hicks contractions this week!
Best Moment this Week:
- Hearing our sweet girl’s heartbeat at my appointment on Wednesday! It never gets old! We will have weekly appointments from here on out!
- Making a wreath to hang on the door on Londyn’s “birth” day!
- Ordering a few things for Londyn’s newborn pictures! I can’t wait for them to come!
- Just getting closer to October!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Thirty Five Weeks...
How far along: 35 weeks!
(We decided to do this week's picture in her nursery since it was super sunny on the porch this morning!)
Size of baby: Londyn Grace is the size of a honeydew!
Maternity clothes: Since it cooled off a bit this week, I pulled out my fall clothes today! My sweater is not maternity, but my skirt and tank are!
Gender: it’s a girl!!!!! ... Londyn Grace
Movement: We’ve got a busy girl on our hands!
Sleep: Once I finally fall asleep, I’ve been sleeping well. I just lay there for awhile thinking about her and wondering when she’s going to arrive!
What I miss: Nothing! Savoring every little kick and movement, knowing I only have a few more weeks until I won’t be feeling them anymore!
Cravings: Anything sweet!
Symptoms: Not as much heartburn this week, probably because I’ve been watching what I eat a little better. I also think she’s dropped! Earlier this week her little foot was up under my ribs, and now it’s much lower. Several people at church today commented on how much lower I’m carrying!
Best Moment this Week: Buying her carseat and stroller on Monday and watching Daniel put them together! He’s such a good Daddy and already loves his little girl so much!
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